Hire freshers? Fire old hands? Or give more training: Here’s what a HR professional says 

A company’s HR department performs the key responsibility of spotting talent and turning it into a driver of growth. This may entail giving them opportunities to show their skills and a satisfactory pay packet to retain them.  Obviously, there is…

Nurturing innovation in your company is a priority…here’s why

Home delivery has been a revolution that boosted sales and yielded profit for storekeepers and hoteliers. Consumers were ready to pay a premium for the convenience of getting items at their doorstep. But not every add-on service sways consumers. Faster delivery…

Startups and small businesses can find talent spending little, or nothing!  

As the greatest assets, employees take a company forward by helping it realize its goals. Without the right team a company can’t grow and reach dizzying heights. The human resources department is therefore trusted with picking and assembling the most…

Here’s how to ensure your skills reflect your qualification   

When Covid spread and the office came home, it didn’t bring along the crucial office support like hardware, technical team and management staff that help us in getting our work done.  Instead, meetings and presentations went online. Many found remote…

How to handle six essential problems start-ups face? 

Anuradha Miraji for XpreZ Business Companion  What goes into starting your dream company? A lot happens before you start your company…like convincing everyone about your idea. You tell your family about quitting the job. After many rounds of discussions with boss…

Startups should use outsourcing option to manage legal compliances. Here’s why?  

Startups need quality. One of the greatest obstacles for a startup is managing a slew of legal compliances. Even if they take time to wade through voluminous documents to get a hang of them, fulfilling each compliance is a different…